
Listing ID:#20177225


Property Type:Business

Date Available:Now

Mitchell's Vineyard

Contact Ronda Lawry, RL Realty Group, 608-235-6575, rl@rondalawry.com This is a Turn Key Vineyard Business encompassing an 8 acre property consisting of a 6 acre Vineyard (Commercial) and 2 acres of Residential. It is home to 3800 vines, the first vines were planted in 1977. Harvests average around 50,000 Pounds of Grapes per year. There is a 48 x 38 Outbuilding and a Drilled Well on the Property.

General Information

Parcel Size:8.00 Acres

Parcel Front Dim.:585 ft

Parcel Side Dim.:594 ft

Other Information:Drilled Well

Contact Listing Agent

Kevin Carey


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