
Listing ID:#20164432

Building SF:4,356


Building PSF:$950.41

Property Type:Multi-Family

Date Available:Now

Downtown Multi-family Portfolio Available

Portfolio Sale with the following addresses: 1212 Vilas Ave., 423-425 W. Dayton, 1615 Jefferson St., 1608 Madison St., 410-412 W. Mifflin, 616-618 S. Mills. Amazing opportunity to grab a foothold in the Madison multifamily market. Six non-contiguous properties for sale as a portfolio, totaling 16 units. Units attract a variety of undergrads, grad students, and professionals that want to be close to campus, downtown and nearby employers. Easy to find tenants, the properties are fully leased through August 2024. Several newer mechanicals and appliances. Some parking spots leased separately. Upside potential with football game parking and below market rate rents. Current monthly income of $25,200 excludes coin op W&D dryer income. Rents increase to $26,115 later this year.

Financial Information

Gross Income:$313,380

Percent Leased:100%

Building Details

Building Type:Multi-Tenant

Building Status:Existing

Current Use:Apartments

Number of Units:16

Outside Parking:Yes

Inside Parking:Yes

Municipal Sewer:Yes

Municipal Water:Yes


Bus Line:Yes

Contact Listing Agent

Brian Conne


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