
Listing ID:#20146512

Building SF:1,960 - 4,424


Building PSF:$79.11 - $178.57

Property Type:Retail

Date Available:Now


Walk in to a beautifully appointed piece of Monticello history. The main floor boasts soaring ceilings with beautiful detail & the large balcony offers endless possibilities. The main area is currently run as a coffee shop & the owner is selling most everything with the building for someone to continue running the current successful business or create your own ideas. The upstairs apartment is a large 3 bedroom that has it's own furnace, central air and laundry. The entrance is either from the street or stairs from the balcony. You might even want to choose to ride the rope elevator from the 1st floor to the balcony or all the way to the apartment. Much of the remodel happened in 2018 including upgraded electrical, plumbing & mechanicals making this a turnkey opportunity. It is a must see!

Financial Information

Real Estate Taxes:$3,460

Tax Year:2019

Building Details

Building Type:Stand Alone

Building Status:Existing

Current Use:Coffee Shop & Rental Apartment

Number of Floors:2

Number of Units:2

Number of Offices:1

Number of Restrooms:2

Outside Parking:Yes

Municipal Sewer:Yes

Municipal Water:Yes



Contact Listing Agent

Lorri Stueber


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